One of the things that Holly and I like to do is go to the Wisconsin Humane Society. It is about two miles away from where we live. We always go there just to look at the cats, dogs, and small animals they have. We have never really had intentions of the getting a pet. Our apartment doesn't allow dogs, so we will have to wait to get a dog. Yesterday, Holly and I visited the Humane Society and found a one year old Holland Lop bunny. It is the type of bunny that Holly has always wanted. We really pondered it and even asked them about adopting a bunny. They said we had to have a cage. We left still thinking that we were not going to be getting a bunny. We decided to go look at a cage just to see how much it would cost and decided it was too much. Then is when the ball really started to roll. We came up with the name Dexter. We have been watching the show Dexter lately and thought the name would be perfect for a bunny. We then thought about it all night. I woke up early because I had to work all day and that is when we both decided we wanted to get Dexter. The problem was we would need a cage and to get to the Humane Society early. I worked from 5:30am until 6pm because we had a store meeting, so getting Dexter was up to Holly. She did some research on finding the perfect cage and went to get him. The adoption fee was only $15 and we got him.
This is our new bunny Dexter! He is a light brown with charcoal gray around his nose, ears and butt. He is so cute!
Here is Holly holding Dexter. I really like his floppy ears.
This is Dexter's cage. Some bunnies can roam around the house but Dexter will need a cage for a bit. He is not quite potty trained and we have too many cords. Bunnies will chew on the cords if they are free so we will need to find a way to keep him away from them. He gets this nice roomy cage.
This is his little house. Its made of willow so if he eats it it wouldn't be bad for him. He hasn't quite figured it out yet but he will learn.
Dexter is not afraid of being held but it hard to pick him up just right. I struggled with this from the start. Holly is trying to teach me here. You have to pick him up from the front legs and support his butt. Very different from other animals.
After a few tries, I learned very well. It was difficult
Dexter is very soft. He likes to be pet but I haven't decided if he likes to be scratched around his ears like a cat yet.
I already really enjoy Dexter. I hope everyone can meet him sometime. He is my new best friend!!!
Thanks for introducing us to our new 'grandbunny'! He sure is cute and you look like a natural holding him. Congratulations!