Friday, January 28, 2011

Marquette Basketball!!!!!!!!!!

Last Tuesday, Holly and I went to a Marquette Basketball Game! It was part of my birthday present from Holly. She gave me tickets to the game of my choice. Neither of us really care about the "Golden Eagles" that much because we love our GOPHERS, so it didn't matter which game we chose. We went on StubHub to get tickets for the game and pretty much just looked at the best seats for the cheapest price. The game we chose was against the DePaul Blue Demons. The Marquette team plays at the Bradley Center which is in downtown Milwaukee but is only less than a mile away from campus. They have shuttles running on school buses for students to get to the game. The bus picks up and drops off about four blocks away from our apartment. The Bradley Center is not the most special arena but it is okay.
These were our seats for the game. When we got there they were really nice, until the people holding the signs showed up. We found out that they were fans from DePaul and a few of them ended up being Cheerleaders from DePaul. I don't know what kind of things that they teach them at DePaul but they should probably learn some better cheers. One of the cheers that they had before the game went as follows ..."Basketball!!!!" Holly and I found that to be the highlight of our night. What kind of cheer is that?? The also found it to be very funny that some of the Marquette players were on MySpace. I really didn't think it was that big of a deal. I think it was more sad that they spent the time making a sign saying "Marquette is on MySpace." Who even cares!

This was right before the game when they introduce the players. Hard to really get into it when we didn't have those sweater vests.

 Here is the Marquette Pep Band. Nothing like the University of Minnesota Pep Band. They were actually larger than I thought that they would be but the arena was pretty large and their sound was not the greatest. I could hardly hear the trumpets during some of the songs. Sorry Carolyn, you can never really hear the clarinets. Just kidding.
 Another unusual thing about their band was they had two base drums. They played them on their side which isn't that strange, but usually you have two people playing one drum each. They had three people playing two drums which was a little weird. This is something you only realize when you have been in the bands before.

 This is the student section. They were pretty loud and were very good at wearing their gold colors and standing during the game. Which I usually expect out of a good student section.
Here is their Golden Eagle mascot. They used to be called the Warriors but they changed their name to Golden Eagles because then it doesn't offend Native Americans. Kind of a lame looking mascot but its definitely better than the Bucky!! I really don't like Bucky!!
I didn't really take many pictures during the game. We actually left with ten minutes left in the game. It had worked 11 hours that day. One of my coworkers father passed away that day so I stayed late to cover some of her shift until we could get someone to come in. It was a really long day and I had to open the next day. Marquette was up by 30 points when we left so it really didn't matter. Marquette won and the final score ended up being 94 to 64. 
Going back to the fans from from DePaul. I would not recommend that school to anyone. They eventually had to move because the seats they were in were not theirs and sat a few rows behind us. The people sitting around us were Marquette Season Ticket Holders couldn't believe how rude the DePaul fans were. They were drunk and swearing throughout the whole game. Their cheers were just plain out awful and it really didn't help that their team was awful too. Overall it was a fun night. We went for the experience and had a good time but probably wont go back until next year. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dexter Comes Home!!!

One of the things that Holly and I like to do is go to the Wisconsin Humane Society. It is about two miles away from where we live. We always go there just to look at the cats, dogs, and small animals they have. We have never really had intentions of the getting a pet. Our apartment doesn't allow dogs, so we will have to wait to get a dog. Yesterday, Holly and I visited the Humane Society and found a  one year old Holland Lop bunny. It is the type of bunny that Holly has always wanted. We really pondered it and even asked them about adopting a bunny. They said we had to have a cage. We left still thinking that we were not going to be getting a bunny. We decided to go look at a cage just to see how much it would cost and decided it  was too much. Then is when the ball really started to roll. We came up with the name Dexter. We have been watching the show Dexter lately and thought the name would be perfect for a bunny. We then thought about it all night. I woke up early because I had to work all day and that is when we both decided we wanted to get Dexter. The problem was we would need a cage and to get to the Humane Society early. I worked from 5:30am until 6pm because we had a store meeting, so getting Dexter was up to Holly. She did some research on finding the perfect cage and went to get him. The adoption fee was only $15 and we got him. 
This is our new bunny Dexter! He is a light brown with charcoal gray around his nose, ears and butt. He is so cute!
 Here is Holly holding Dexter. I really like his floppy ears.
This is Dexter's cage. Some bunnies can roam around the house but Dexter will need a cage for a bit. He is not quite potty trained and we have too many cords. Bunnies will chew on the cords if they are free so we will need to find a way to keep him away from them. He gets this nice roomy cage.
This is his little house. Its made of willow so if he eats it it wouldn't be bad for him. He hasn't quite figured it out yet but he will learn.
Dexter is not afraid of being held but it hard to pick him up just right. I struggled with this from the start. Holly is trying to teach me here. You have to pick him up from the front legs and support his butt. Very different from other animals.
After a few tries, I learned very well. It was difficult
Dexter is very soft. He likes to be pet but I haven't decided if he likes to be scratched around his ears like a cat yet.
I already really enjoy Dexter. I hope everyone can meet him sometime. He is my new best friend!!!